HOW DO CRISTINA FERNANDEZ DE KIRCHNER,S EMOTIONS AFFECT HER DECISIONMAKING AND HOW DOES SHE CALM DOWN WHEN DISTRESSED? 2. Uribe Exposed: Like the ying to Chávez's yang, Álvaro Uribe is often credited with steering Colombia out of its ... His head of the secret police, Jorge Noguera, has also been accused of involvement in the murder of three union activists. 1. Neo-Colonialism in the Caribbean: Half of America is still in a tizzy about Obama supposedly bending the Bill of ...
El ex vicepresidente regresaba de Colón junto con su chofer, quien resultó herido en el suceso. Rafael Luna Noguera Dominador Kaiser Bazán, segundo vicepresidente de la República durante el gobierno de Mireya Moscoso ...
Los integrantes del Pacto de Estado discutirán hoy el contenido de una propuesta de'ley puente'. Una vez aprobada, esta será remitida a la Asamblea Nacional. 1018651. Rafael Luna Noguera Rafael Pérez G. ...